Evaluation of the policies of the city and of the urban renewal
The aim of this project is to carry out a combined evaluation of the policies of the city and of the urban renewal, currently in progress, on an infra-municipal scale. "On custom" perimeters will facilitate to apprehend as closely as possible the perimeters of those policies interventions, in order to measure their effectiveness and efficiency.
This project will be based on a so-called "counterfactual" analysis to evaluate the specific effects of public policies, by comparinf the socio-economic trajectory of the beneficiary districts with that of "control" districts ith similar socio-economic characteristics but located outside of the evaluated public interventions, thus servinf as a control group. In other words, the study will question if the development of the beneficiary districts is clearly different from that of the control districts, in order to attribute any positive influence to the policies carried out.
The project uses FIDELI data, which represent a sufficiently detailed spatial database to carry out such an analysis.