All Blog Posts
CASD genetic data for the GOLD-GENOPHENOMET project
Insee 2025 Journées de méthodologie statistique
Data Tech Webinare : Parquet / DuckDB
November 22, 2024: Producer Committee
CNIS : Nominations
CASD presentation at the “European Data Market” conference
Meta is partnering with CASD to provide access to Instagram data for researchers
The European Statistics Stakeholders Conference (CESS 2024) in Paris
November 26, 2024: Seminar on researchers’ access to agricultural statistics data
Mission Antoine Bozio-Etienne Wasmer : « Les politiques d’exonérations de cotisations sociales : une inflexion nécessaire »
Report “Stratégie interministérielle pour construire notre patrimoine national des données de santé 2025-2028”
L’Année sociologique Vol. 74 “Éthique de la recherche et méthodes en sociologie”
New feature: access to results output from the CDAP portal
CASD partner of the CESS 2024 conference in Paris on October 15 and 16
CNIL-CASD Webinar: Matching SNDS data with the NIR
COSMOS conference: videos are online
Progedo – Call for expressions of interest
A report by the Sorbonne Centre for Financial Transaction Studies proposes CASD for data access
Data from Base concours de la Fonction publique soon available
European conference on the quality of official statistics
CESS 2024 in Paris
SESSE Program: Surveillance Epidémiologique de la Santé des Personnes Sans Emploi in France
Cour des Comptes report: the National Health Data System
TICPharma: Cnil publishes practical information sheets for SNDS matching circuits
La statistique dans la cité n°40 : « L’Europe des données (électroniques) de santé »
CASD quoted in L’Express article
CNIL and CASD Webinar on data matching with the SNDS: NIR processing circuits
The CASD computing environment: a new video
CNIL: “Support needs are exponential”
GIP CASD General Meeting
Two major updates to healthcare safety standards
Faster connection times
CNIL Webinar: Data matching with the SNDS using the NIR – Tuesday, June 25 at 11 a.m.
New training on DGFiP data coming soon
La statistique dans la cité n° 39 : « Comment mesurer les salaires en temps réel ? »
« La Dares s’inscrit dans la démarche qualité du service statistique public »
Report « IA : notre ambition pour la France »
Appel à projets : 16th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI 2024)
The Economist : “Fighting disinformation gets harder, just when it matters most”
COSMOS metadata conference (documentation)
Register for DGFiP data training on May 21
June 11: 8th scientific day of the Constances and Gazel cohorts, in face-to-face or remote sessions
Several sessions of tax data presentations by the DGFiP to come
“The beyond Gross domestic product (GDP) agenda : past, present, visions for the future”
Conference on Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS)
CNIS seminar on April 3: “A new medium-term program for CNIS”
Colloquium “Éducation, immigration, emploi : quel accès des chercheurs aux données pour évaluer les politiques ?”
Seminar on “Links between the SSP and research: current situation and avenues for progress”.
CASD user satisfaction survey report published
CASD technology and services used by TikTok to pilot access for researchers
Secure remote access to UKDA data opened to CASD
February 6: CASD in “France Grand Format”
First Mapineq Seminar: Improving Accessibility, Harmonisation and Data Linkage in Europe
Call for applications : Procope Mobility 2024
Welcome 2024!
Surveys from the French Ministry of the Interior’s statistical service arrive at CASD
Microdata Linking from Central Bank and Statistical Office: Experience from France
January 24: Meeting DREES/DARES and CASD
GIP CASD General Meeting
November 22, 2023: Producer Committee
Meta will use CASD’s technology and services for researchers
Confidential Data Access Portal (CDAP) CASD interface
Videoconference: Producers present RICA (Réseau d’information comptable agricole) data in early 2024
Presentation of CASD at the ReDSiam seminar
The SREN Act promotes access to administrative data for research purposes
A new milestone and a new website for the IDAN network of secure centers
Data output and import: new dedicated e-mail address
Paola Tubaro, new member of the CASD Scientific Council
Evaluation of capital tax reforms – Effects on business start-ups, expatriation and savings flows
First results of the 2023 satisfaction survey
November 7, 2023: Organization of a group meeting of EDP users
CASD at the UNECE Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Confidentiality, Wiesbaden, Germany
April 11/12, 2024: Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS)
CNIL: Consultation on the use of public data
Detailed data from Parcoursup and MonMaster
LungScreenFrance: a project on the impact of lung cancer screening
Crest’s 11-year, quasi-exhaustive SNDS project wins ANR 2023 award
Jean-Luc Tavernier, Director General of Insee, commissioned by Elisabeth Borne to review the state of economic expertise institutes
June 28, 2023: CASD Scientific Council
Insee working paper: “Individual data matching: concepts, methods, advice”.
Submit to the Réseau Louis Bachelier calls for projects!
Banque de France becomes a member of the CASD public interest grouping
CASD pays tribute to Jean-Philippe COTIS
Opinion 143 of the French National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) “Health data platforms: ethical issues”.
June 15, 2023: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) workshop
CNIS: Consultation on the draft revision of the NAF 2025 nomenclature
5 years after RGPD came into force
SPARK & PARQUET for large data volumes
May 22: Expert Workshop with IDAN (International Data Access Network) users
May 22-23: FORS study visit to CASD
GIP CASD Annual General Meeting
Agriculture: data in the spotlight
Data Management Plan (DMP)
More than 350 of you responded to our satisfaction survey: thank you!
New date: CNIS symposium “Measuring the ecological transition”
Individual data matching: towards better quality and greater transparency
CASCaD : 3 new certifications in progress
The Data Governance Act will come into force: what progress for researchers?
The CNIL reminds us of certain legal obligations relating to health research
IDAN: seminar with researchers on May 22
Insee and CASD at Devoxx France 2023
Roxane SILBERMAN elected President of ESAC
A CNIL guide for health research authorizations
Orientations for the medium term 2024-2028 of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS): opening of the consultation of users of official statistics
Appel à contributions : UNECE Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Confidentiality, 26-28/09 à Wiesbaden
Many new health projects for this new year
10 years of secure access to French data from European Union countries
85 participants in the presentation of the Base Tous Salariés by INSEE is scheduled for early December
United States: Opening of a portal to access confidential data from the federal statistical system
Call for PPR Autonomy projects: “Autonomy: aging and disability situations
International cooperation: visit of TurkStat, the national statistical institute of Turkey, to INSEE and CASD
CNIS March 7: “Measuring the ecological transition”
Publication : Les sciences du numérique au service de l’action publique
Presse : Le CASD dans IT for Business
Partnership agreement with DREES and DARES for the supply of “INFRASEC” secure environments
Customs data now available on CASD
Meeting of the IDAN network
General Assembly of GIP CASD members
The report of the CNIS consultation group on the RESIL project is online
Stratégie européenne de la donnée, quels enjeux pour les statistiques et les utilisateurs ?
December, 1st, Nantes: PROGEDO-Loire seminar
Deployment of a new version of the connection service
8 November 2022: Producers Committee
A useful tool for DADS
Access for official statistics and research to data held by enterprises
The CASD Scientific Council met on 7 October
Enrichment of the Confidential Data Access Portal (CDAP)
Charles DE LA VERPILLIERE becomes Chairman of the Comité du secret statistique
23 November 2022: 7th Scientific Day of the Constances and Gazel cohorts
Call for Abstracts: 8th European User Conference
Opening of a public consultation on the draft amendment of Regulation 223.2009 on the European Statistical System
4 October 2022: DARES/Drees conference “Platform work and uses of social protection”
Cloud : cinq nouveaux dispositifs pour soutenir le développement du secteur
Environment and health: rich and unique data from the Constances cohort
DSN, Pôle emploi, CNAF matching: the MiDAS project
Validation and Transformation Language VTL
A new source made available for monitoring employment trajectories: INSEE’s Non-Salaried Panel
ARCOM launches public consultation on access to data from online platforms for research
60 participants in the Fidéli data training
Adoption of the Data Governance Act (DGA)
La Statistique dans la cité
Only a few days left to register for the FIDELI housing data training
An innovative project: prediction of sudden adult death syndrome
General Assembly of GIP CASD members
Visit of a delegation from the National Agency for Statistics and Demography (ANSD) of Senegal
Higher education data open to researchers on the CDAP portal
Videoconference: Presentation of FIDELI (FIchiers DÉmographiques sur les Logements et les Individus) data on 7 June 2022
CNIS: Statistical panels and cohorts, what new tools to enlighten the public debate?
IASSIST 2022 (7-10 June): Registration opens
15 June: Colloquium “For a Europe of Humanities and Social Sciences” in Paris
CASD participated in the Journées de méthodologie statistique (JMS) on 30 March
Foreign trade data soon available at CASD
Access to Banque de France data on the CASD from 4 April 2022
Presentation of business data by INSEE
PROGEDO-Loire: Disseminating research data from confidential sources
16 March: CASD Scientific Council meeting
EU-US Trade and Technology Working Group 5
Personal data: publication of a guide by the CNRS
Satellite data to enrich the analysis of the CASD
La statistique dans la cité
CNIL: Privacy Research Day on 28 June 2022
Procedures and new projects to implement NIR matching
The CNIL publishes practical information sheets for research processing (excluding health)
ENIACRAMS: a multi-source panel to study the trajectories of the most vulnerable
CASD “other national authority” under the European Statistics Regulation (Regulation 223/2009)
Access to UK Data Service (UK) from IAB
CASD membership of the Union of Data Protection Officers (UDPO)
The latest version of Stata can now be used on the CASD
Best wishes for this new year
Call for projects: “Sandbox” CNIL 2022 for digital education
28 January 2022: Meeting of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS)
France 2: “Cash investigation” on health data
29 to 31 March 2022: Journées de Méthodologie Statistique (JMS)
9 December 2021: IDAN meeting
Call for Franco-German projects
Meetup SNDS #12
Best Wishes !
Banque de France data soon available on CASD
Publication of the reference framework on health data warehouses by the Cnil
The report of the 3rd Peer Review for the PSS is published
28 January 2022: Meeting of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS)
Researchers’ access to detailed government data reflected in 15 ministry roadmaps
Broader opening of detailed Bpifrance data to the academic community
The implementation of individual data matching: a deliberation of the Autorité de la statistique publique
CASD at the ISO 27001 Club annual conference
ISO 27701 Lead Implementer certification
Signature of an agreement with the Etablissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer (FranceAgriMer)
New version of the user guide
18 November: Data Producers Committee
IPP Report : Quelle démocratisation des grandes écoles depuis le milieu des années 2000 ?
Call for projects: Impact of the minimum wage on employment
DataStorm : Research & Innovation Day le 14 octobre
Call for Projects EIF 2021
27001 Club: Annual conference on 4 November
CASD participation in the 63rd ISI (International Statistical Institute) 2021 World Statistics Congress
France includes CASD in its AI strategy presented to the European Commission
User feedback and expectations: a satisfaction survey during a health crisis
Access to Solidarity Fund data for companies affected by Covid-19
Publication of a circular defining the doctrine for the use of cloud computing by the State
Publication of the Courrier des statistiques n°6
National and European employer/employee surveys: a data forum on comparability and matching
11 years of quasi-exhaustive SNDS for a research project on the CASD authorised by the CNIL
Single Career Management Directory (Répertoire de gestion des carrières unique (RGCU) data soon available on CASD
ATIH : ScanCovid application online
3rd Peer Review for the Official Statistical Service
FORCE: an innovative data matching for the evaluation of the Skills Investment Plan
The European Union (EU) adopts an adequacy decision with the UK on the flow of personal data: a decision welcomed by researchers
Roxane SILBERMAN, appointed member of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC)
The CASD heard by the Inserm Ethics Committee (CEI)
Autonomy, health and access to rights: call for projects on the use of digital technologies
New SD-Box version
“Longitudinal database on employment and establishments”, a new tool for longitudinal monitoring of employment at local level
INSEE aggregates administrative social sources to provide the ‘All employees’ and ‘Self-employed’ databases
Publication of the summary of the 1st CNIS Bureau meeting 2021
Nearly 250 of you responded to our Covid-19 satisfaction survey: thank you!
Podcast “Data Brunch from ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)”
New sources on criminal offences and their judicial responses
CASD secure bubbles, a technology particularly suited to data management by producers
10 March: CASD at the New Techniques and Technologies for Official Statistics (NTTS) 2021
“médecine/sciences” about access to health data
Latest version of Stata can now be used on CASD
Signature of an agreement with INJEP
“The opening up of confidential data: a growing need that requires responses commensurate with the challenges”
Health data warehouses: CNIL launches a public consultation on a draft reference framework
Comprehensive hospital stay data (PMSI) open to researchers on CASD
Data sources on Covid-19
“COVID-19, Lockdowns and Well-Being: Evidence from Google Trends” par CLARK, A. (PSE)
Data from Constances à l’honneur in Le Monde of 10 February 2021
10 March: “Data reuse and sharing” session
7th edition of the European User Conference for UE-Microdata (virtual)
Call for projects: “Sandbox” personal data of the CNIL
GDPR: The CASD certified ISO 27701 for the protection of personal data
21 January: CASD at the 27001 Club meeting
IDAN Network: facilitating transnational access
Libre Accès : Update
Call for proposals: Accelerating research and innovation on rare diseases through databases
Evolution of the Statistical Secrecy Committee module on the CDAP portal
Learn from the unexpected to enhance knowledge for a better future…
Season’s greetings !
December 8: 1st Colloquium of the Court of Auditors on Scientific Research and Public Action
Agreement signed between CASD, Pôle Emploi, DARES and Datastorm
Sharing your publications
K’RMéS, day on statistical metadata, the RMéS repository and associated tools
CASD participation in the DATA SHS week
Covid-19 : Organization of remote information and awareness sessions
Signature with the Ministry of the Interior of an agreement for the provision of DSED data
François Weil has been appointed Chairman of the Comité du secret statistique (french Statistical Secrecy Committee)
New CASD presentation video
CASD Presentation to the Association Constances
New “deep learning” configuration versions at CASD
October is breast cancer awareness month : 2 research projects from the Institut Curie at CASD
Information Covid19
October 8: videoconference CNIS Commission Utilities and Services to the Public
Science : “COVID-19 Data Scandal Prompts Tweaks to Elite Journal’s Review Process”
Mission on data and source code policy to the National Assembly
Conference in Canada: Public Policy and the Data Revolution
Biometric connection: a more powerful version
The socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: additional questions and specific surveys of public statistics
University Diploma “Data Scientific Management” in Montpellier: challenges, practices and data management tools
Renewal of the partnership between the Agence Technique de l’Information Hospitalière (ATIH) and CASD
Secure CASD bubbles for data management and AI processing, using GPUs, for Constance, the largest cohort in France
Global Government Forum : “Australia Considers Bar on Offshoring of Personal Data”
STEP Training (Statistics Through Eastern Partnership)
The CASD partner of the Statup de l’ENSAE
Report: Economic impact of market guarantee funds operated by Bpifrance
OECD: Jean-Luc Tavernier participates in a round table on access to microdata
The statistical source of the criminal record available on the CASD
Using our data and know-how to aid decision-making during a pandemic
Call for projects Parcoursup: announcement of the winners
Autorité de la statistique publique: Annual Report
Congratulations to Isabelle Méjean, winner of the 2020 prize for the best young economist, awarded by Le Monde and Le Cercle des économistes
APB and Parcoursup: data for scientific research available on CASD
CNIL Deliberation No. 2020-044: CASD in line with recommendations
Decrease the price of the next subscription using Libreoffice
Confidential Data and Covid-19: How are things abroad?
Publication of the report “New opportunities for comparative cross-country research in France and Germany”
Usine digitale : Health data, geolocation, cookies… CNIL presents its strategy for 2020
Covid-19 Calls for Proposals
Opening of SDES and DARES data in the United States and Canada
Seville: Use of administrative data for budgetary policy analysis, 22 January
The k’RMéS: To (finally) understand everything about RMéS
Citation of the data made available: implementation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the CASD
Effectiveness of new procedures for accessing health data: an example with a project on Parkinson’s disease
Agreement for the provision of data with the Drees
The CASD team wishes you all the best for the new year.
Call for expression of interest for research projects around Parcoursup
French and German Data at ICPSR: New Opportunities for Comparative Cross-Country Research
Health data hosting certification
IDAN network meeting, 20 and 21 November
Agora organized a conference with Thomas Piketty
New cascad-CASD certification
Share your publications….
An agreement on a security reference framework between the European partners of the IDAN network of secure centres
Information security certification ISO 27001
PSE : Conference on the evaluation of the 2020 Budget
France stratégie: Committee to evaluate capital tax reforms
Nobel Prize in Economics: congratulations to Esther DUFLO
Use of the blockchain by CASD
First project using health and business data
A steady increase in the number of research projects carried out by researchers abroad with French data
Appointment of Christel COLIN as Chair of the CASD Data Producers Committee
Appointment of Lars VILHUBER as President of the Scientific Council of CASD
CASD presentation in Madrid on 23-24 July 2019
New representatives of economic and social science researchers at CNIS
Inserm cohort data
Towards an opening of criminal data?
Only a few more days to participate in the CNIL’s public consultation for research
Public consultation with researchers
CDAP portal opening
- new information on data
“Your Data Were ‘Anonymized’? These Scientists Can Still Identify You”
“Certify research on confidential data”
Description of the data on the CASD website
Call for proposals: Research on vocational training for job seekers
Signing of the agreement for the provision of CIFRE data
New biometric card
General Assembly of GIP CASD members on July 9, 2019
Congratulations to Stefanie Stantcheva, winner of the Best Young Economist Award
Provision of IR and ISF/IFI data
“The statistical secret” by Jean-Pierre Le Gléau
Signing of a cooperation agreement between CASD and CBS, the Dutch National Statistical Institute
ATIH: New PMSI data available
A new AI project for machine learning in health developed on CASD
2 additional configurations on the CASD
A central bank initiative to facilitate access to data for research
Update of the user guide
ATIH satisfaction survey of CASD users of hospital data (PMSI)
Joint UNECE / Eurostat Workshop (29-31 octobre 2019, La Haye) : Submission of contributions
New design for SD-Box
Call for projects
Conference on secure French and German employment data
The sources of the different producers accessible in the same environment: a considerable advantage
The CSS Secretariat will launch a portal for requests for access to detailed data
Data access
Twenty years of impact assessments in France and abroad, France Stratégie
Creation of the Public Interest Grouping (GIP) CASD
New data available
Share your publications….
On the privacy-conscientious use mobile phone data
The State is launching a new system as part of the IA Plan: The IA Challenges
Access to the CASD in case of visual disability
New server room
Seminar on Statistical Methodology
Round table on access to web data
Conference on Secure French & German Employment Data on March 28th & 29th 2019
International Data Access Network (IDAN) website
Launch of a new SD-Box
Health Data Hub Report
HYGIE at CASD: Enriched Data on Work Stoppages and Their Compensation
What works are published by data source? What are the most commonly used data sources? Which ones are the ones that produce the largest number of publications? What variables are present in a data source?
Opening for Submission – CASD / IAB Conference
High Turnout for Employee/Employer Data Presentation Day
Access points are now installed at GESIS and UKDS
Presentation of French and German Employee/Employer Data
SAVE THE DATE Advances in Social Sciences Using Administrative and Survey Data
Satisfaction survey 2018
Creating a secure dataroom
The “Researcher Passport” has been implemented in the USA
Partnership between CASD, Archives of France and National Archives
The Scientific Council of the CASD met on May 17, 2018
10 and 11 July 2018: OECD Workshop
29 June 2018: 10th Day of the Journal of Medical Management and Economics
Newsletter and RGPD
New Procedures for Data Matching
Access to German Employment Data
Call for papers for the journal Economie et Statistique
IA and secured data
Access from the United States and Canada to INSEE Data Coming Soon
Cédric Villani received at CASD
The Big Data Paris 2018 exhibition
CASD participated in a meeting at Eurostat
Appointment of Jean-Éric Schoettl as Chairman of the Statistical Confidentiality Committee
Meeting with M. BAICHERE
Agreement signed with IAB
Implementation of a collaboration between secure access data center
Visit of the Secretary of State for Digital Technology, Mr. MAHJOUBI
Translation of the CASD website
Setting up collaboration between secure access centres
Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking
Equipex evaluation report
Satisfaction Survey 2018
Consideration of Spectrum and Meltdown vulnerabilities
New bill on the protection of personal data
Partnership renewal between ATIH and CASD
Metadata dissemination
The newsletter of the Statistics and Public Issues group
Round table at the National Assembly
The US Congress report on efficient data mobilization
Video made in honour of Alain Trognon and Michel Zampa for the evening of December 14, 2017
Launch of the call for projects of the Single Inter-Ministerial Fund
New website Committee on Statistical Secrecy
New premises for CASD
Thomas PIKETTY interwed during CASD conference
Welcome to the new CASD website
Upgrades and New System
Customer satisfaction on the rise
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CASD was funded by the Investment in the Future (“Investissements d’Avenir”) program managed by the National Research Agency (“ANR”).