Detailed data from Parcoursup and MonMaster

Over the past few years, SIES, the ministerial statistical service for higher education and research, has been actively opening up its data to the research community.

Thus, in 2020, an agreement was signed with CASD to make available, in particular, detailed data from SISE (Système d’Information sur le Suivi de l’Etudiant) and exhaustive data from Admission Post-Bac (APB)/Parcoursup between 2012 and 2021.

SIES is working on a particularly innovative pairing between SISE data, which is becoming virtually exhaustive, and DSN (Déclaration Sociale Nominative) data, based on the technology of pairings secured by the Non-Significant Statistical Code (CSNS).

And recently, SIES has been working on a comprehensive database for MonMaster, the new application platform for first-year Masters students.

A large number of operations are required to pseudonymize these databases before they can be made available. We will keep you informed of their availability in the “nouvelles données disponibles” section.