Governance and Missions


CASD is a public interest group (consortium) bringing together INSEE, GENES, CNRS, École Polytechnique and HEC Paris created by interministerial decree of 29 December 2018.

The main purpose of the consortium is to organize and implement secure access services for confidential data for non-profit research, study, evaluation or innovation, activities described as “research services”, mainly public. Its mission is also to promote the technology developed to secure access to confidential data (public and private).

The main orientations are decided by the General Assembly of members composed of :

– Catherine GAUDY (Director General of GENES), President of the General Assembly

– Jean-Luc TAVERNIER, substitute: Olivier BIAU (INSEE)

– Fabrice BOUDJAABA, substitute: Patrick PINTUS (CNRS)

– Kees VAN DER BEEK, substitute: Guillaume HOLLARD (École Polytechnique)

– Christophe PERIGNON, substitute: Marc VANHUELE (HEC Paris)

– – Olivier GARNIER, substitute: Olivier DE BANDT (Banque de France)

The CEO is Kamel GADOUCHE. He represents the GIP in all acts of civil life.

Three advisory committees are being set up:


A Scientific Council that assists the General Assembly and the Director in matters of foresight, innovation, ethics and scientific strategy.


A Data Producers Committee assists the General Assembly and the Director on matters relating to data access conditions, documentation, archiving and dissemination of information.


An Information System Security Policy Monitoring Committee assists the General Assembly and the Director in matters of information system security governance (Policy, organization, measures, evaluation, audits, continuous improvement).

As part of its research service missions, the group is responsible for:

  • to implement secure services for access to confidential data;
  • to participate in data matching, anonymization and database development operations;
  • to participate in the documentation and archiving of confidential data;
  • participate in the meetings of the Committee on Statistical Confidentiality and collaborate with its secretariat;
  • to animate the user community around confidential data;
  • to contribute to the certification of research results based on confidential data;
  • to participate in the development of access to confidential data at national, European and international level in conjunction with other data availability mechanisms;

As part of its valuation missions, the group is responsible for the following, particularly in the competitive sector:

  • to provide advice and expertise in its fields of competence to the State and other French or foreign entities;
  • to provide security resources or services in its areas of competence;
  • to make available the technology for securing access to data for private interest purposes.

Download the constitutive agreement of the public interest group called “Centre d’accès sécurisé aux données” (CASD).

The change in legal status in 2019 enabled CASD to perpetuate the service, develop research services, gradually enhance the value of its technology with the private sector and ensure cost control for researchers.


Scientific Council

The Scientific Council (CS) is made of national and international experts in the fields of analysis, processing, confidentiality and dissemination of data for SSH research.

CS is the governance body (consultation only) which has been convened once a year since 2013 to :

  • Give scientific orientation and offer adjustments
  • Prospect needs researchers may have in terms of databases and data matching
  • Give an opinion on the functioning of CASD Equipex from a user’s point of view
  • Ensure a technological, methodological, legal and ethical watch on access to confidential data related to international developments
  • Suggest partnerships with other access centers, in France or abroad
  • Ensure the European and international presence of CASD Equipex

Scientific Council composition

The latest meetings of CASD Scientific Advisory Board took place on 04 Dec. 2020, 03 Jun. 2021, 16 Mar. 2022, 7 Oct. 2022, 28 Jun 2023, 31 Jan. 2024.


At the interface between data depositing producers and their users, CASD offers equipment that guarantees highly secure access to the data entrusted to it.

The CASD is a trusted third party for the secure provision of data and for data matching.

The activities of the CASD are underpinned by 3 strong imperatives:


Ensure that data depositors store, make available and use their data in accordance with the terms of the agreements and contracts concluded with them and with the requirements to protect the confidentiality of such data


Maintain a high level of infrastructure and quality of service that allows users to access data under good conditions


Provide secure and equitable access to accredited data users, allowing for advanced processing and analysis under the best working conditions


The pursuit of these objectives remains at the heart of the approaches undertaken by the CASD in order to best support changes in its context – whether institutional, regulatory or technical.