CASD, Secure Data Access Center
— Making available secure processing of sensitive data
for researchers and datascientists.
Work, Employment
Society, Justice, Education
Economy, Business, Finance
Environment, Agriculture
data sources
made available in a secure way (see the complete list of available sources)
managed and hosted projects
secure data users
since launch
referenced publications and communications
(articles, book chapters, books, theses, reports, conference papers, etc.)
Secure bubble technology is mostly
used by researchers and data scientists to produce
data analysis.
More recently, with the GDPR
and the various CNIL security standards,
the uses of data are developing in
secure and certified environments for
production of data.
SD-BOX secures the data access
via the central CASD infrastructure and the users
work environment by integrating end-to-end
the most demanding certification requirements
of the access station (ISO 27001, ISO 27701, certification
to the health data security reference system, PSSI-MCAS, etc.
“CASD provides controlled access to detailed information, including tax and medical data”
“CASD, a single
entry point to a large number of data producers…”
“CASD is an example of the type of infrastruture
needed to support this kind of analyses.” “…to grant third-parties access to sensitive health data…”
une bulle pour protéger les données”