85 participants in the presentation of the Base Tous Salariés by INSEE is scheduled for early December

CASD and INSEE held a presentation session on the database for all employees in early December.

The Base Tous Salariés (BTS) is derived from administrative sources of company social declarations: DADS, DSN, declarations by individual employers, State payroll files, etc. It includes in particular the description of all salaried jobs in France (excluding Mayotte). It also provides the data corresponding to each employee and the companies or administrations to which he or she belongs.

Alexandre Lebrere and Christelle Rieg from INSEE, the data producer, presented the process of building the database, the associated files and the methodologies used to produce the sources disseminated (BTS jobs, BTS employees, BTS enterprises and BTS establishments) for the production of public statistics and research work. Examples of work from the database will also be presented.

Information on this and previous courses is available here (in french) : https://www.casd.eu/presentation-des-donnees/

[Learn more about Base Tout Salariés]