DSN, Pôle emploi, CNAF matching: the MiDAS project

MiDAS (Minima sociaux, Droits d’Assurance chômage et parcours Salariés – Social minima, unemployment insurance rights and wage-earners’ career paths) is a matching tool for research and studies piloted by the Dares (Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques – Directorate for Research, Studies and Statistics) in collaboration with Pôle emploi and the CNAF (Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales – National Family Allowances Fund), which makes it possible to reconstitute the career paths of recipients of Unemployment Insurance and social minima.

In concrete terms, MiDAS will cross-reference, on the basis of a hashed NIR, three data sources:
• salaried contracts in labour movements (MMO, DSN data from Dares)
• jobseeker compensation (FHS and FNA data from Pôle emploi)
• and recipients of minimum social benefits: Revenu de solidarité active, Prime d’activité, Allocation adulte handicapé (Allstat-FR6 data from the CNAF).

Two pairings per year are planned in 2022 and 2023 over a historical depth of up to 2017. Thereafter, one matching will take place in each subsequent year until 2026. The final database will include all data from 2017 to 2025.

These data will be available by the end of the year on the CASD. Requests can be made on the CDAP portal and access authorisation can be obtained after a favourable opinion from the Statistical Secrecy Committee and a decision by the Archives Administration.