Anatomy of Mid-Sized Companies
The importance of mid-sized companies (ETI) is paramount in France both economically – on a national and regional scale – and socially. Their importance justifies a strong political interest, which is fueled by the political agenda that emphasizes local economic development as well as reindustrialization, the restoration of the balance of trade and economic sovereignty.
Despite this high public interest, and more than twelve years of statistical existence, little scientific analysis is available to public (and private) actors to orient their policies or simply to understand the functioning of this category of firms.
The ambition of this research project, carried out the etilab created on June 1, 2022 - the result of a sponsorship agreement between mid-sized companies of Île-de-France, Mines Paris - PLS, Île-de-France Region and two major sponsors – is to fill this gap by carrying out a complete anatomy of ETIs.
Data provided through CASD (33)