CARE-M apparié fiscal-social : matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA)
Producer : Ministry of Health (DREES)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
The CARE surveys (Survey on the capacities, aids and resources of elderly people), carried out with the support of the CNSA (National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy), aim to gain a better understanding of the living conditions of elderly people, their relationships with their families and friends, their difficulties in carrying out certain activities of daily living, and the financial and human assistance they receive to help them to overcome these difficulties. These surveys, which are compulsory, concern people aged 60 or over, regardless of their state of health and where they live, as well as the relatives who provide them with support. The survey data were matched with tax and social security data from INSEE. These surveys, which are compulsory, concern people aged 60 or over, regardless of their state of health and where they live, as well as the relatives who provide them with support. The survey data were matched with INSEE tax and social data. The matching carried out by INSEE is based on two administrative sources: for the measurement of individual income received, collective or "non-individualizable" income and taxes, data from the DGFiP ( General Directorate of Public Finances) are used; for social benefits, data from the Cnaf (National Family Allowances Fund) are used. In addition, two matches were made, with data from the Cnav (National Old-Age Pension Fund) for pensions, and with data from the CCMSA (Central Agricultural Mutual Insurance Fund) for pensions and family and social allowances for persons covered by the agricultural regime. These matches are statistical matches. Data from the CARE-M survey without matching are also available to consult in this source, including two CARE-Ménage sub-folders, "Elderly Persons" and CARE-Ménage "Caregivers", the documentation for which is available on the CARE-M source page.
Exemple de documentation disponible pour CARE-M apparié fiscal-social : matched with data on personal income tax returns (IRPP) (Insee-Drees-Dgfip) and with social data (CNAF, CNAV, CCMSA)
Il existe une version de ces données disponible à l'Adisp (Quetelet-Progedo Diffusion) dans laquelle des données plus détaillées ont été supprimées