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Managerial model and individualization of public managers' careers: public-private and historical comparisons

We aim to objectively assess the diffusion of the managerial model advocated by government reformers, by comparison with the three public services and with large service companies. This consists of three elements: managers negotiate quantitative objectives with their superiors; they have managerial autonomy in order to achieve these; and their salaries and careers are shaped by their results. The first two aspects will be measured using the CT-RPS 2016 survey, the third using the SIASP (Information system for public service actors). The aim is to address a controversial issue in the sociology of public action: does the diffusion of managerial tools within the State coexist with real margins of autonomy and individualized career paths for executives, or does it continue to operate within a traditional Weber-style bureaucracy? Has the French state succeeded in adapting its own managerial model, or has it merely imitated the private sector?