Years : 2010-2021
Producer : Banque de France
Authorisation : Producer
Assigned receivables data (the SURFI M_CESSCRE table) lists the outstanding securitized or transferred receivables for which the establishment is responsible for recovery or rights of recovery. The transfer of receivables must be effective, with removal from the balance sheet of the reporting entity. This information complements the data reported under European Central Bank Regulation (EU) No 1075/2013 of 18 October 2013 concerning statistics on the assets and liabilities of financial vehicles undertaking securitization transactions (ECB/2013/40).
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Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.
2010-2021 : https://doi.org/10.34724/CASD.589.4260.V2