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Years : 2006-2023

Producer : Banque de France
Authorisation : Producer

New credits to companies data is a matched database, which is enriched with data from the Direction des Entreprises. New contracts are defined as all financial contracts that specify for the first time the interest rate of a deposit or a loan. They also include all cases of renegotiation of deposits or loans with modification of the initial contractual credit or debit conditions. The monthly data on new contracts reported by the credit institutions correspond to contracts concluded irrevocably from their perspective, i.e. at the latest at the time of the final signature of the contract and its recording in the off-balance sheet, during the month in question. This database is completed by matching the French company register numbers (SIREN) of the companies for which the information is collected with the categories of company size and credit risk assigned to these companies by the Companies Directorate.