Years : 2010-2021
Producer : Banque de France
Authorisation : Producer
Operations in transaction securities, miscellaneous operations and fixed assets - Securitization Undertakings and Investment Firms data (the table SURFI TITRE_PTF) lists the securities portfolio and securities issued, excluding related receivables and payables. Financial investment securities and portfolio securities, investment securities where applicable, shares in affiliated companies, equity securities and other financial assets are recorded net of provisions for depreciation. Receivables representing loaned securities are valued in the same way as the original securities. The entire securities portfolio is recorded "including loaned securities", loaned securities being isolated in the "Additional Data" section of the first part of the table. Investment securities and shares in affiliated companies are recorded net of provisions in accordance with the valuation methods specific to each category of securities.
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Persistent Identifiers (DOI)
Data citation and persistent identifiers (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for each year.
2010-2021 : https://doi.org/10.34724/CASD.633.4305.V1