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ACEMO-Trimestrielle : Labour force activity and working conditions - quarterly survey

Years : 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007

Producer : Ministry of Labour (DARES)

The quarterly Acemo survey addresses European recommendations, ministerial requests, trade unions, professional organizations and, more generally, all economic and social actors, by pursuing three main objectives: 1) in terms of salaried employment, providing evolution rates to feed the model for calculating quarterly employment estimates; 2) monitoring wage trends by observing the evolution of basic wages; 3) measuring weekly working hours and short-term fluctuations. More specifically, it covers five topics: - salaried employment and its various forms: total workforce, proportions of part-time employees, fixed-term contracts and fixed-price contracts; - total compensation for the entire establishment: gross amount, bonuses and compensation associated with short-time working; - short-term fluctuations in working hours: collective weekly working time, use of fixed-term contracts in terms of number of days, volume of overtime or additional hours and number of employees concerned; monitoring remuneration for the most representative jobs: changes in basic monthly salary and corresponding basic monthly working hours by main employee categories; - "job vacancies" (jobs for which the establishment is seeking candidates). The scope is companies with 10 or more employees in the private sector, located in metropolitan France. It excludes establishments with the following main business activity and legal category: agriculture, administration, co-ownership syndicates, associations under the 1901 law for social action, household activities and extra-territorial activities.

Example of data content for ACEMO-Trimestrielle : Labour force activity and working conditions - quarterly survey