CT_Panel : Working Conditions - Panel
Years : RPS_2016, 2019
Producer : Ministry of Labour (DARES)
Authorisation : Comité du Secret Statistique
The Working Conditions survey was only conducted in the North of France until 2005, with the objective of providing information to complement that of the Employment survey on working conditions. In 2013 the survey was extended to cover certain subjects in greater depth and to address new issues such as exposure to psychosocial risks. Since then, every three years, a CT survey dedicated to psychosocial risks (CT-RPS) has been conducted, with a larger number of questions on this subject and a CT survey describing working conditions in greater detail. Since 2013, the CT-RPS survey has been carried out in two parts: an "individual" part based on questioning a sample of employees, and an "employer" part based on a questionnaire sent by post to employers, including the employees surveyed.
The "Working Conditions - Panel" source has gathered the "individual" section questionnaire responses since 2013, dividing respondents into two categories: those employed in 2013 who were still employed in 2016, and those employed in 2013 who were not employed at the time of the 2016 survey.
The scope of the survey is metropolitan France and four overseas departments (Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Reunion). It includes establishments in all sectors, market and non-market, public and private, and of all sizes.
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